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2 points by rocketnia 2926 days ago | link | parent

If you just want to define a function in one place, this is pretty idiomatic:

  (def reverse (x)
    (if alist.x
      (case type.x
        string  (string:rev:coerce x 'cons)
                (err:+ "Called reverse with " (tostring write.x)))))
If you want to write the different cases in different places in the code, here's the way Anarki ( currently defines `rev`:

  ; in arc.arc
  (def rev (xs)
  "Returns a list containing the elements of 'xs' back to front."
    (loop (xs xs acc nil)
      (if (no xs)
        (recur cdr.xs
               (cons car.xs acc)))))
  ; in lib/strings.arc
  (defextend rev (x)  (isa x 'string)
    (as string (rev:as cons x)))
The community has made several little definition utilities for doing predicate dispatch in Arc, and `defextend` is a good example of those, so it's pretty idiomatic.