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7 points by z0ltanz0ltan 5840 days ago | link | parent

One pattern that I observe - you respond only to those points that rebuff you. Rather than proposing solutions and/or accepting that you have been less than clear about your plans for Arc (especially as this is a real community now and not your personal pet project), you have been exceedingly discourteous to your fellow Arc-enthusiasts. I feel sorry for them and happy for myself that I am not part of this farce.

Funny thing is, when I read your essays a couple of years back, I did respect you. Reading stuff like this kind of erodes that dramatically. Good luck pg.

10 points by pg 5840 days ago | link

you have been less than clear about your plans for Arc

It seems to me that I've been much more explicit about this than people working on new languages usually are at this stage:


4 points by akkartik 5840 days ago | link

In fact, I always felt PG released arc sooner than he would have because of all the people who asked to see it.
